About me

Hello! Thanks for checking out this blog!

Im a Secondary 3 Student named Yong Hong. I take photos with a DSLR, specifically a EOS 250D, and write as a hobby of sorts. I wouldn’t call myself a great photographer, nor blogger, nor writer. But I enjoy what I do, and I’m relatively proud of it!

Something to note. This blog is very messy, it’s a hobby that I keep up with once in a while. I only write when I feel like there’s something worthy to write or I just feel like it. This can range from holidays to events and places in Singapore, to movies I watch or things I did. I follow no schedule or format, either. However, one thing I can guarantee is that, no matter how long I’ve gone without writing anything, this blog/website is not dead. I will keep writing on it unless I state otherwise, I enjoy it a lot.

In any case, I hope you enjoy reading what I write or looking at my photos!